Inner Engineering: Reprogramming Your Mind for Success


A Six-Week Program Helping to Elevate and Attune You with Your Full Potential


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Are you ready to take the next step in your journey? Welcome to our exclusive program designed for accomplished individuals with a creative, change-maker mindset. Tailored for seekers who appreciate premium services, our transformative journey combines personalized 1-on-1 coaching sessions and comprehensive learning materials. Through a holistic and integrated lens of Vedic astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, and ancient technologies, we unlock the profound wisdom of the ages to guide your inner transformation. Immerse yourself in the synthesis of ancient wisdom, including yoga, meditation, Āyurveda and breathwork, as you awaken into your full potential. Experience the elegance of our approach as we empower you to reach new heights of success, fulfillment, and self-discovery.

Let's talk about where you are and where you'd like to be - your hopes, dreams, and desires. Book your free 30-minute discovery call today and embark on your transformative journey!

Vedic Astrology & Human Design

Embark on a journey of self-discovery through the profound teachings of Vedic astrology and human design. Delve into the depths of your birth chart and human design chart to uncover your unique strengths, weaknesses, and hidden potentials. With the guidance of our experienced practitioner, you will gain a deeper understanding of who you are, why you're here, and where you are going. Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, acts as a key to unlock your highest potential by unpacking what is ripe in your individual stage of evolution. It provides insights into the current planetary rhythms and offers valuable guidance to navigate life with greater ease, grace, and alignment. Sister science to yoga and Ayurveda, Jyotish is considered the ancient science of light, illuminating the path that leads back to the Self. By harnessing the wisdom of Vedic astrology and human design, you will make decisions that align with your authentic nature and elevate you towards your full potential and dharma (life purpose). To provide accurate insights, we require your exact birth time, date, and location.

We also love working with Locational Astrology to help you find your perfect place to thrive and Muhūrta or astrological timing, to locate the perfect time to sign a contract, buy a house, get married or most aligned timing for any important event.

Yoga Practice

Experience the transformative power of personalized guided yoga practice within the program. Tailored to your individual needs, our yoga sessions help you connect with your body, improve flexibility and strength, and rebalance vital energy. As an ancient discipline, yoga promotes physical, mental, and emotional well-being, enabling you to face daily challenges with greater resilience and vitality. Through the practice of yoga, you will not only strengthen and nurture your physical body but also cultivate a quieter mind and learn to master your attention. By directing your focus, you gain the ability to channel your energy intentionally, enhancing your overall well-being. Our program offers personalized guidance and support, allowing you to attune with your higher self and master your life.


Unlock the transformative power of conscious breathing techniques, including the ancient, three-part breathing technique (pranayama). This profound practice balances the nervous system, increases energy levels, and reduces stress. Discover the key to accessing the memory storehouse of your life, effortlessly dissolving trauma, unconscious thought patterns, conditioning, and stress on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Through this pranayama, you will explore and embrace suppressed experiences, leading to profound healing. Gain greater control over your emotional reactions, cultivate calmness, and achieve mental clarity through the power of breath.

Deep Meditation

You will be guided through an initiation into deep meditation that will help calm the mind, untangle deep rooted stresses and strains, improve concentration, offer deep rest, and awaken you to your true nature. You will learn to create an inner space of peace and mental clarity, enabling you to make more conscious decisions and approach challenges with calmness and balance.

1-on-1 Personalized Coaching Sessions

In addition to the learning materials, the program includes personalized 1-on-1 coaching sessions with an experienced mentor. During these sessions, you can deepen your understanding of the concepts, ask specific questions, and receive personalized support in your growth and transformation journey. In these sessions we will refine your lifestyle, routine, and way of thinking, while weaving together Vedic astrology, spiritual psychology, Āyurveda and ancient technologies to rewrite your story, cultivate mindfulness, reprogram your mind and elevate you to your full potential.

This program is intensive and dedicated to those who are genuinely interested in exploring their inner potential and adopting practices that can lead to lasting transformation.

Find out more during our free 30-minute Discovery Call today!