Artwork by Caroline Smith
The bright moon reaches it’s zenith this evening in the constellation of Rohini (the eye of Taurus), the Star of Ascent. Rohini is the moons favorite celestial abode, with it’s alluring, charismatic and magnetic charm. This red star is said to represent the height of the moon’s creative intelligence and is one of the brightest amongst the nights sky (Aldebaran). This full moon energizes the power to attract and unite with one’s desires, as this constellation is known for bestowing support for growth on the material plane.
At it’s peak, the bright moon crosses over mars retrograde, generating a planetary combination known as chandra-maṅgala yoga, which awakens the power to materialize wealth. This energy sows the seeds for a perfect storm, which is both fertile and passionate, and activates our ability to conquer that which we desire.
Be bold and go forward towards your goals, while remaining mindful, as this same energetic combination can lead to burn out, over indulgence and hyper sensitivity. Stay tuned to your bodies need for rest and rejuvenation, while striking a fine balance between pleasing your physical and spiritual senses.
This is a powerful time to release fears, doubts and heaviness that may be standing in your way. You could even write a letter to someone or something that still holds an element of anger or frustration for you or that you’re ready to forgive and or release. Write this letter and then offer it into the fire to be released.
For assistance in tracking this shift on a personal level, please visit Jyotish Consultation to book a private consultation. Know that I’m here to support you. All my relations